Larry C. Heron
Larry Heron is a Master Mariner who spent 17 years a sea, sailing on tween-deckers, VLCC, ULCC, Product and LPG tankers. On first coming ashore he worked in Saudi Arabia during the Iran/Iraq war as an oil pollution specialist, formulating strategic contingency plans and working with government agencies in resect of the large oil spills the gulf region. Later, he was employed by one of the largest shipping agents in Taiwan, managing the agency operations, surveying activities, Lloyd's Agents, P&I Correspondents, ship broking, along with other marine related activities. Prior to joining Mushtaraka, he managed his own correspondent/consultancy company in Taiwan. Larry handles a variety of claims, but is especially involved in large casualties: collisions, ship grounding, quay wall damage etc., where his technical expertise is vital
Larry Heron is a Master Mariner who spent 17 years a sea, sailing on tween-deckers, VLCC, ULCC, Product and LPG tankers. On first coming ashore he worked in Saudi Arabia during the Iran/Iraq war as an oil pollution specialist, formulating strategic contingency plans and working with government agencies in resect of the large oil spills the gulf region. Later, he was employed by one of the largest shipping agents in Taiwan, managing the agency operations, surveying activities, Lloyd's Agents, P&I Correspondents, ship broking, along with other marine related activities. Prior to joining Mushtaraka, he managed his own correspondent/consultancy company in Taiwan. Larry handles a variety of claims, but is especially involved in large casualties: collisions, ship grounding, quay wall damage etc., where his technical expertise is vital
Larry C. Heron
P&I Claims Director
Larry Heron (P&I Claims Director)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile phone: +966 50 466 7728
P&I Claims Director
Larry Heron (P&I Claims Director)
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile phone: +966 50 466 7728